Since I am on a rare blogging roll this evening (it is a full moon), here are some recent ones of my three. They are not easy to take pictures of, especially together, but when I can get a decent one it makes me pretty happy!
In June we went on our first real vacation as a family to Myrtle Beach. The boys got to see the ocean for the first time and we all had a blast. Since I rarely put my own pictures on my blog I decided to share for once! Columbus OH child photographer
He’s here! Our newest little guy was born on February 2, 2011 at 10:55 am. He weighed in at 8 lbs 13 oz (just like his big brothers!) and was 20 inches long. We are soooo in love with him! Columbus Ohio newborn photographer
I am pretty far behind on my personal pictures! Anyway here are a few of the boys that I took on our front porch on July 4th. Columbus Ohio baby photographer
I can hardly believe our baby is 6 months old already! Here are a few that I took in his big brother’s room… His chubby little hands and feet…A silly face he likes to make Columbus OH baby photographer